Not getting the results you expected from your content marketing efforts?  Content marketing is a big industry today because it works.  You may simply be missing part of the magic formula.

Around 90 percent of businesses use content marketing.   But, most businesses feel like they fall short.  Only about a third of B2B businesses say they are “somewhat effective”.  Content marketing provides you with almost limitless ways to connect with your buyers, build your brand awareness, forge customer relationships — and increase revenue.

As the leader, it falls squarely on your shoulders.  It only works when you develop quality content for your customers with a smart strategy tailored for your business.

Not sure where to start? Here are the top seven reasons why your content marketing strategy needs revisiting. Plus, the insights that will help you experience the success you should expect.

Your marketing team at Pivotal Arc can make it even easier for you:   Contact us for a FREE CONSULTATION and assessment.   We’re nearby on the west-side of LA.   Let’s meet!



If you’re like most, you have a strategy but it’s not actually written down.  The truth is everyone has a strategy (some good, some flawed, some shelved) but what really makes it work is when the execution plan is written, aligned, integrated and reinforced.

Having an external agency, like Pivotal Arc, take your insights and help you document it, really makes it objective, customer oriented and different.   Because you are very close to the action, doing it yourself sometimes makes it too complicated or misses obvious steps.

Some methods are more cost-effective than others.    Some are easier to execute.   You need a clearly established plan to determine:

What content mediums are you going to use?

  • There are many:  From blog posts and white papers to webinars and data visuals.
  • What content will be most effective based on industry, buyer preferences, and budget?

What do you expect to achieve?

  • It’s best to define success “time-horizons”.
  • What is the time-frame for each horizon?
  • The goals at each horizon need to be clearly defined.

How are you going to measure the results along the way?

  • What processes do you have in place to adjust your campaigns?
  • How will you make sure you’re on track to reach your goals?



A lack of research can destroy a campaign.   Yes, you know your customer!    But do you know why or when they prefer the competition and what it would take for prospects to prefer you?    Is there an emerging unmet need, especially in this time of digital transformation?

While in the planning stages, thoroughly research your hypothesis and validate your ideas.   You can use an online search to eliminate marketing mistakes or interview some prospects to uncover fresh insights that your competition may not see.



This one is a common content marketer mistake – they aren’t creating content for their ideal target buyers.  You’ve got to take the time to develop detailed buyer’s personas (including goals, needs, and problems) and then update them regularly (including demographics).  You should revise your personas whenever there is an internal or external business shift and review them at least annually.   Don’t forget to look at more than your existing customers to get your Personas defined.   What about prospects?   What about others internally that interact with your customers?  Interviews with your clients or customers are mandatory and provide a wealth of invaluable insights, too.



Have a clear definition of your ideal target buyers? Great!  What about your competitors? You will need to study what strategies your competitors are using.  What successful campaigns are they using?  Are your competitors getting solid traction with a few basic tactics?  What is getting them the most engagement in your market?

There is no need to get obsessed with your competitors.  But, pay close attention to what is working – and not working – within your industry to help better shape your strategies and content choices.  Under no circumstances should you copy a competitor.  In fact, the best content marketing campaigns are the ones that are unique to your business focus and your own, unique strategy.  But, you should always stay in touch with what is working – and not working – within your market.



Another focus area is the type of content you will use.  While blog posts are universally accepted as generating quality leads, there’s much more to content marketing.  While you only have a fixed amount of time to direct towards your content marketing, you still need to determine which content to use and what additional channels are best.

Some brands are well-suited to visual content, depending on the product they are promoting.  However, for most B2B organizations, white papers, data, and research may be sufficient for presenting your insights, expertise and value of your offerings.



Another reason you may not see the results you expected is that your content may be product-oriented.    When you develop your content plans, think about the question:  “What are our prospects thinking?”   What information do our buyers value most or what is most timely?

Sharing information about your products, services or business in isolation is great but it is not likely to generate leads by itself. Content that provides your buyers with the key information to answer their questions, solve a problem or address a curiosity will establish your company as a valuable resource prompting their initiative to reach out to you.



And finally, you lack a story in your content that brings the reader back to your strengths and differences.  We mentioned earlier why it is pivotal to have a documented, well-thought out strategy.  You can’t reinforce your brand just by publishing good content.  You need to weave customers interests and genuine curiosity with your own brand, giving your audience a sense of your company’s uniqueness and reason to reach out to you.  Your brand needs to have a clear identity.

You can accomplish this task if you take the time to document the right strategy from the start and to develop the most compelling content that’s best for your customer and your business.

As the leader, the buck stops with you?  You don’t need to do the work.  But, you’ll need to insist on a content strategy — one that gets results!


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