Our Focus:
Software & Digital Technology
Our Clients
Generally, our Clients are small to medium size and see the potential of entering new, adjacent or USA markets.
We typically serve Clients that have
- Existing B2B software or digital technology;
- Established customers and sales somewhere; and
- Desires to enter into a new market, an adjacent one or expand in the USA.
Examples Of Our Work
We’ve helped small entrepreneurial companies
launch new and successful businesses.
We’ve helped established companies grow to $900M in Sales.
Financial Sector & Technology
Developed strategy and technology positioning to identify new opportunities in the 401K market. New business development leadership and Fund Adviser channel development.
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Digital Content Creation
Built a strategy to leverage existing technology into the Asian and other global markets, plus raise financing to advance opportunities.xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Global Sales & Business Development
Hands-on sales and business development of cutting-edge artificial intelligence and deep learning software for North American market entry and growth. Successfully developed flagship sales in identity, face, object recognition and video analytics
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Transaction & Messaging Software
Hands-on sales, business development and product management leadership for messaging service oriented architecture (SOA), relational database, secure transaction software and application enabling middle-ware.
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Global Engineering Solutions
Hands-on market management, business development and sales for a leading, highly engineered critical components and customized technology solutions for energy handling sector. Developed global markets and channel partners and sales leadership.
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eSports Business Development
Business development for interactive eSport technology, including extensive market research and channel development for leading 4D technology for motion and effects in attractions, cinemas, and eSports theatres.
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3D Animation & Pre-visualization Software
Global strategy for Digital Media, Video & Film sectors, including Entertainment, Games and Industrial applications. Execution leadership included Marketing, Sales and Business Development for company turn-around, market-share expansion and sales growth.
Video Processing, Analytics & Security
Focus on Sales and Marketing for North American growth, including business development, channel strategy, alliances, and hands-on sales with top flag-ship companies. Provided product and application direction including digital distribution, security and emerging digital video & audio technologies.
Strategy, Business Development & Marketing
Division strategy for global business development, sales and integrated marketing. Increased competitive win rate to over 75%, from 25%, resulting in highest growth rate in over seven years. Established direction, annual road-maps, and business plan reviews. Defined product innovation strategies, alliances and M&A.
We’ve served many other entrepreneurial companies, too.
Software & Technology Experience
- AI-based Identity, Face, Object & Behavior Recognition
- AI-based Real-time Camera Stream Surveillance
- AI-based Video Analytics & Pattern Recognition
- Animation & 3D Visualization Software
- Augmented & Virtual Reality Software
- Banking, Financial Planning & Transaction Systems
- Bio-metric, Identity & Opt-in Software
- CyberSecurity, Information & Content Security Software
- Digital Media, Content Creation & Internet Software
- Entertainment Software: Film, Games & eSports
- IOT, Smart Connected Devices & System Control
- Messaging & Queuing Software
- Real-time, Video-based Security & Forensic Software
Plus, many others from Business Intelligence and Sector Specific Solutions to Software Development tools.
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